понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г.


On the territory of the Russian Federation is a lot of water pools, including takes. The largest of these are Lake Baikal. Lake Ladoga , Lake Onega , Lake Chud , Ilmen lake , Lake Khantayskoye , Segozero , Lake Kulundinskoye and Teletskoye Lake . Baikal is the biggest lake in Russia! It is truly an amazing !

In the Great Lakes system in Europe include the following water pool Lake Saimaa , Onega , Ilmen and Ladoga . Of special note is the Peipsi Lake, which , unlike the above lakes into the sea through the river Narva . Ozerasoedinyayutsya rest of the sea with the help of the Neva River . For Russia are all the lakes Is one of the most deeper lake is Baikal.The largest and deepest freshwater lake in the world - is Baikal. The lake is located in Eastern Siberia, in the republic of Buryatia and Irkutsk region. Along the lake are mountains covered with snow. In the area of ​​Lake Baikal earthquakes, indicating the activity of tectonic plates in the region. The water surface of the lake at 456 meters above sea level. The lake is 31 500 cubic meters. Lake Baikal - the deepest lake is. In depth, it is in the first place. The depth of 1637 meters. On the mainland Eurasia volume of water in the lake just more only in the Caspian Sea. Baikal stretches for 636 km. The width of the lake is 80 km away. The water temperature in the lake during the warm period of eight to nine degrees Celsius.
1)Temperature of Сaspian sea is nearly sixteen degrees of Celsius and temperarture (LB) nearly elewen degrees of degrees of Celsius.
2) Deep of Caspian sea is

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